Photographer in Aarau

Real estate, events, portraits

For companies and private individuals

Family photos


Your photographer for Aarau
for companies and private

Photo shoots for companies such as Frutiger AG.

Use my service as a photographer

More and more people are rediscovering the photo album. Not the digital photo album in the form of a directory on the memory in the PC or the cell phone. These photos come and go. Often, unfortunately, they go much too soon. A missing backup on the computer, the new purchase of a smartphone and many memories are already lost.

But there is always the option of creating a traditional photo album. A photo album that you can touch with your own hands. To turn the pages and browse. Here the very special photos are immortalized.

Customer references

Extraordinary photos

If you are looking for a photographer for Aarau, who will produce exceptional photos with you, then you are welcome to contact me.

Professional photos for Aarau

Photography in the canton of Aargau

Your company in Aargau

Aarau is still an important industrial center today. As a photographer, I always have assignments in Aarau. Meanwhile, the economic focus is concentrated on the service sector. Here there is a lot of demand for business photos.

In September the most important fair of the locality takes place with the "Markt Aarauer Gewerbetreibender". Maybe you are interested in corresponding event photos. Also the old town of Aarau and the chain bridge over the Aare are nice backdrops for your photos.

Photo shoots for companies such as Vorwerk Schweiz AG.

Photos mean getting more out of life. This is true for my clients. But also for me as your photographer.
