Photographer in Aargau

Photos for your company

For real estate sellers

For families


I am your photographer for
in the canton of Aargau

Photo shoots for companies such as Raiffeisen Bank.

The right flair for good photos

How long does a moment actually last? The short moment between the past and the future? Is it a second or is the time span of the present even shorter? While you are reading these lines, the moment has already passed.

And yet: The moment of the present can be captured forever. In a photograph. What we never succeed in doing in reality can be done with a photo: Immortalize the moment. Good photos should therefore not be random snapshots. Good photos also require good preparation. Because the moment of the photo never comes again.

Customer references

Your photographer

Laurin Grether: On the road for you as a photographer for companies, events, real estate, protraits, drone photos and much more.

There for you throughout Switzerland

I am your man on the spot when a property is to be mapped for your real estate business. For real estate properties on your company website or on Immo-Scout24 I am at your disposal.

Professional photographer
for the Canton of Aargau

The photographer for the canton of Aargau for professional job application photos, business photography and family shoots.

You do not have to praise me for my photos. I will be happy if you are fully satisfied with the result.
