Photographer in Regensdorf

State of the art photo technology

Photos for your company

Family photos


Modern photographer in Regensdorf

Fast on site - fair in price

Photo shoots for companies such as Vorwerk Schweiz AG.

Use my service as a photographer

You need a photographer for photo sessions in Regensdorf? I am at your disposal for

  • Event photography
  • Business photography
  • Real estate photography
  • and much more

Your photographer

Laurin Grether: On the road for you as a photographer for companies, events, real estate, protraits, drone photos and much more.

There for you throughout Switzerland

Photos of industry, service companies or production are only one part of my work. Corporate photography takes me right into the entrepreneur's family: portraits or real estate pictures are the logical consequence. I will be happy to advise you if you have any questions. And, as a photographer in Regensdorf, I will come by to put you and your project in the right light.

The Regensdorf Photographer

Whether drone photography, event photography or business photography:
I would be happy to come to Regensdorf as your photographer.

Your photographer for family photography

Family photos in Regensdorf

I also bring a lot of sensitivity to the photo shoot of your family. Because I know: your children are not professional models who are just waiting to spend a lot of time with the photo session. It is important that the photo shoot is fun for everyone involved. You can see that later on the photos.

Colorful and vital family photos

Today's modern family photo doesn't have to look as "stiff" as it once might have. You want to be pictured as a lively family? We will gladly take a colorful and vital family photo that shows your family life as it would like to be seen.

The photographer for Regensdorf

Photography in the Canton of Zurich

Business photos in Regensdorf

In the canton of Zurich lies the political municipality of Regensdorf. Namely, in the northwest of the city of Zurich. The economy of Regensdorf is mainly characterized by its large industrial area. However, the town also has a large shopping center.

This sets a great demand for business photography. But there is also no shortage of beautiful landscapes as backgrounds for outdoor photos. Here, for example, the reed area at Katzensee or the ruins of Alt Regensberg are ideal.

Photo shoots for Siga Manufacturing AG.

I photograph each business in such a way that the employees and especially the company are authentically reflected, in all facets.
