Photography in Wettingen

State of the art photo technology

For real estate sellers

Photos for your company


The photographer for your photo session
in Wettingen

A woman in a lab coat looks at an MRI machine.

Photo shoots for companies such as the Kantonsspital Baden AG.

Use my service as a photographer

No photo is like another photo: that's what my daily work as a photographer shows me. Because every photo captures a very specific moment.

And even then, if you capture a second photo from the same place, then this is again a new moment. And so it is no mistake that a photographer invents himself again and again.

Customer references

Professional photography

for different purposes

I would be happy to be your photographer for Wettingen in the canton of Aargau.
Frequently requested are the following areas of application for my photography practice:

Baby photos
Family photos
Architecture photos
Event photos

The photo session in Wettingen

Beautiful backdrops

Interesting photo motifs

In the middle Limmat valley lies the village of Wettingen with almost 21000 inhabitants. And the Limmat also offers many beautiful landscapes for outdoor photography. The southern slope of the Lägern is planted with vines. This could also be an interesting photo motif.

The Gottesgraben is a canalized detour of the village stream, which was created by monks of the 16th century and is also considered a landmark of Wettingen. Economically, the service sector plays an important role in Wettingen.

I will be happy to explain the possibilities of business photography, which expresses more than employees behind a desk.

A group of people pose in front of a red box labeled "Great Place to Work".

Business photos, e.g. for Sopra Steria AG.

My challenge is to make something visible that is no longer present to the masses. To make the hidden current.
